L’association Alec-SIC est ravie de vous inviter à la Master-classe avec le Dr Yunpin WANG le jeudi 27 février de 16h à 18h30 au Rize 23 rue Valentin Hauy, Villeurbanne.
À cette occasion, quatre membres de l’association, Maxime Antremont, Virginie Chaput, Clémentine Leroy, Noé Vaccari présenteront leurs travaux sur les thématiques Mutations urbaines et patrimoines. L’événement se déroulera intégralement en anglais.
La capacité de la salle étant limitée, merci de vous inscrire par ce lien : https://framadate.org/ujtEJ3Fr5qH6CWv6
Voici les résumés des participant.e.s :
Modération : Françoise Paquienséguy, PR, Sciences Po Lyon
Maxime Antremont, PhD, Université Lumière Lyon 2
This presentation examines how the Confluence district in Lyon is reinventing itself through creative projects that redefine its territorial identity. The analysis focuses on two major initiatives: the post-1999 urban redevelopment transforming an industrial wasteland into a multifunctional district, and the establishment of the Musée des Confluences in 2014. The study demonstrates how these projects extend beyond their urban and cultural dimensions to form part of a broader territorial communication strategy. By appropriating the site’s distinctive geography – the meeting point of the Rhône and Saône rivers – these initiatives construct a territorial narrative that turns « Confluence » into a genuine urban brand. This analysis highlights the mechanisms through which contemporary urban projects mobilize creativity and territorial marketing to transform inherited spaces into new meaningful places, where communication becomes an essential lever for urban transformation.
Virginie Chaput, PhD Student, Université Lyon 3, ATER, Sciences Po Lyon
For several years, public authorities have been required to use an additional dimension to guide their strategic choices in terms of territorial planning: that of energy. The time of abundance is indeed over: cities and their inhabitants must be moving towards the transition. To do this, local governments plan, organize and raise awareness so that everyone participates and does their part to reduce energy consumption and reduce the resulting pollution. This is precisely where we wish to place our questions. If the energy transition is everyone’s business, the exclusion of citizens from decision-making processes raises questions. The latter are in fact confined to their role as consumers and integrated into the process of implementing the transition as recipients of discourse aimed at convincing them to change their daily practices. Also, my work questions the difficulty of integrating citizens into the deployment of energy strategy with regard to the technicality of the subject, and the logic of alternative citizen reinvestments of the question such as the development of shared energy, self-consumption or even the socio-political struggle against large companies in the sector.
Clémentine Leroy, Post-doctoral Researcher, SAINTé@Lyon Project, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Sciences Po Lyon
Urbanization is accompanied by pollution. Today, industrial development on the outskirts of major cities calls for a different story to be told. The motives of conquest and progress that marked the “petrolization” (Bécot, Le Naour, 2023) of territories are gradually being replaced by those of pollution and adaptation to the toxicity of the industrial legacy. In my work, I examine the relationship between pollution, health and prevention in two areas, the Lyon and Saint-Etienne metropolitan areas, from the 1950s to the present day. This research is part of the Sainté@Lyon project, funded by Shapemed.
Noé Vaccari, PhD Student, Université Lyon 2
Multiplayer online video games can be a digital place where identities and cultures are discussed, negotiated and forged. Through the lens of two games, one about building museums and one where a concert has taken place, I will discuss how players, through their practices within the game, can go beyond the pixels and the distance separating them to express a form of local culture.